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The Train


Experience courses







Dates 2024 / 2025

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↓Event / Route


Th. 05-09

(Ascension Day)

Historical Train shuttle service on the Haller Willem - Halle/Westf. - Bielefeld-Hbf

Train shuttle servic with V160 002

Su./Mo. 05-19/20



(no steam locomotive available)

Steam locomotive seminar Pentecost

The popular event in Lengerich-Hohne

Mo. 05-20


Historical train shuttle trips Osnabrück - Mettingen

Train hauled by V160 002


Sa. 06-01

From town and country to the northseabeach to Norderney

On the road with the Teuto-Express - train day trip with V160 002


Su. 08-04

Historic shuttle trips Lengerich-Hohne Pbf - Bad Laer

Train hauled by VT 03 TWE

Sa./Su. 08-24/25

Steam locomotive seminar Summer

The popular event in Lengerich-Hohne with 78 468

Su. 08-25

Steam train shuttle trips Ibbenbüren-Aasee - Dörenthe-Kanalhafen

Steam train rides with 78 468 / VT 03 TWE


Sa 09-07

Special train to the steelwork Georgsmarienhütte

Train hauled by VT 03 TWE

Sa./Su. 09-28/29

Steam locomotive seminar Summer

The popular event in Lengerich-Hohne with 78 468

Su. 09-29

Steam train shuttle trips Lengerich-Hohne Pbf - Bad Laer

Train hauled by 78 468

 November / December

Sa. 11-30

Santa special train Lengerich - Ostbevern - Westbevern - Münster - Billerbeck

Steam train ride with 78 468

Su. 12-01

Santa special train Osnabrück - Mettingen

Steam train rides with 78 468 on the 1st of Advent

Sa. 12-07

Santa special train Bad Laer - Lienen - Lengerich - Hasbergen - Osnabrück

Steam train ride with 78 468

Su. 12-08

Santa special train Gütersloh-Nord - Verl - Hövelhof

Steam train rides with 78 468 on the 2nd of Advent

Sa. 12-21

Santa special train Neubeckum - Beckum - Wadersloh

Steam train ride with 78 468

Su. 12-22

Mulled wine express Ennigerloh - Neubeckum - Sendenhorst - Münster/Westf.

Steam train rides with 78 468 on the 4rd of Advent

 January 2025

Sa. 01-04

Full steam ahaid to Warstein

With 78 468 and V 36 412 via the Westphalian Semmering to the Hochsauerland

 May 2025

Sa. 05-24

Seecial train to Hameln

Train hauled by 78 468

Explanation of the locomotive:


78 468


V 36 412



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